General Pediatric

Child Health Development Control Process

Our General Pediatric services are base on European standard and specialy German Model.

The doctor has a checklist for every examination. The questions are designed in such a way that, in addition to health disorders, undesirable developments, diseases and damage can be identified as early as possible, for example eye defects, brain damage, congenital diabetes, malformations of the limbs and joints, heart defects, thyroid diseases and hearing defects.

Early detection and U-Examinations

Age-appropriate development and the early detection of diseases that require treatment are the focus of regular medical examinations.
U-Examinations are a series of different preventive medical examinations for the child that take place at fixed times. The aim is to identify and treat diseases or developmental disorders at an early stage.

What are U-Examinations?

U-Examinations are various preventive examinations for a child. The aim of child screening is the early detection of various diseases and developmental disorders that can be cured or at least alleviated through early therapy. To do this, the doctor examines the child with various tests at set times.
       There are a total of twelve different child examinations up to the age of ten.




In the U1, the vitality of the newborn is checked immediately after birth and external malformations are determined. If you give birth in a clinic, the hospital team will do the two exams. A further component of this examination is a hearing screening, because undetected hearing disorders also impair speech development. This simple and painless examination is carried out in the first three days after the birth. Whether the baby is awake or asleep does not play a role in the test: First, the doctor checks the natural reactions of the inner ear to sound stimuli, the so-called otoacoustic emissions. To do this, a tiny probe - equipped with a loudspeaker and a highly sensitive microphone - is inserted into the ear canal. If the inner ear does not respond to the sound stimulus, further tests are carried out. If the baby actually has a hearing handicap, the parents, together with ENT( Ear-Nose-Throat) physician and paediatricians, advise which therapy is useful and when to start hearing and language training.




During U2, which should take place between the 3rd and 14th day of life, the musculoskeletal system, organs and nervous system are checked for malformations and functional disorders. In addition, the extended newborn screening is carried out: A little heel blood is examined for two hormonal and twelve metabolic diseases (including phenylketonuria, galactosemia, hypothyroidism), which can be treated immediately if necessary.




Between the 3rd and 8th week of life your child has to go to the pediatrician for the U3. This will check the organ functions and check the success of any measures prescribed from the previous examinations. You will receive nutritional advice to promote oral health and dental development for your child. A special ultrasound examination (sonography) of the hips is also carried out at U3 in order to be able to identify and treat undesirable developments in the hip joints as early as possible. The doctor will pay particular attention to nutritional status and weight, age-appropriate movement as well as eye reactions and hearing ability. Prepare yourself for the following questions: - Is your child gaining weight? - Does it drink regularly and quickly? - Does it scream a lot and shrill? - Does it sweat a lot?

2nd TO 4.5th MONTH



On the U4, which runs between the 2nd and 4.5. Month of life takes place, the development of motor skills, skeleton and nervous system is assessed. The doctor checks here, for example, whether your child can hold their head up for a short time when they are lying on their stomach or whether they are reacting attentively to noises. The U4 also checks whether the baby is following a toy with his eyes or squinting - and how well he can hold a toy. Important initial vaccinations can also be carried out during this examination. Prepare yourself for the following questions: - Does your child have difficulty sucking and swallowing? - Does it vomit often? - Does the child often get stiff? - Does it usually clench its hands into a fist? - Does it smile back when someone turns to it in a friendly manner?

5th To 8th Month



At U5, your child is already six months old. His range of motion and his dexterity have made tremendous progress. The focus is on the following questions: Does your child support itself in the prone position with open hands? Can it grab with your hands? How should the child continue to be nourished in a meaningful way? With the U5 you will again receive information on oral hygiene and nutrition that is gentle on the teeth. This visit to the doctor can be combined with vaccination appointments. Prepare yourself for the following questions: - Does your child play with their feet? - Does it turn from back to stomach? - Does it reach for toys that are close by? - Is it laughing and making noises?

9th To 14th Month



The U6 between the 9th and 14th month of life is the last preventive medical check-up in the first year of life. It is directed towards all physical and mental characteristics, especially independent sitting, crawling and eating, hearing and language development as well as dental care. In addition, the development of the external genital organs is checked. From the 11th month, your child can be vaccinated against other diseases. Prepare yourself for the following questions: - Does your child grasp with his thumb and forefinger? - Does it speak double sounds like "Mama" and "Papa"? - Does it react to loud noises? - Does it rock back and forth a lot? - How does it react to strangers?

20th to 27th Month



Around the age of two, the doctor at U7 checks in particular whether your child can walk alone, bend down and straighten up again, whether he can see and hear correctly and how he speaks or understands what is being said. Prepare yourself for the following questions: - Does your child react to simple questions? - For example, does it point to parts of the body that are being asked for? - Does it follow simple prompts? - Can it form two-word sentences like "Marie Hunger"? - Can it climb stairs? - Does it sleep through the night?

33th To 38th Month



Around the third year of life (U7a), between the 33rd and 38th month of life, visual disturbances (weak vision), behavioral problems and language development disorders should be detected at an early stage in order to be able to treat them in good time. Prepare yourself for the following questions: - Does your child speak three to five word sentences? - Does it speak his first and last name? - Does it sleep through the night?

43rd To 50th Month



Around the age of four, the U8 (43rd to 50th month of life), in addition to the general physical examination, examines the hearing and eyes, carries out a sugar test, tests physical dexterity and checks independence, language development and contact skills. Prepare yourself for the following questions: - Can your child eat alone? - Is it starting to get dressed alone? - Does it play with focus and also with other children? - Is it clean during the day? From the age of three, your child is also entitled to dental check-ups.

58th To 66th Month



With the U9 shortly after the 5th birthday (58th to 66th month of life), the early diagnosis examinations are completed. Your child should now go to school soon, so the doctor will also assess their ability to go to school and give you advice on how you can specifically promote the physical and mental development of your child up to school enrollment. For this purpose, postural, hearing and visual errors are excluded and social and language behavior is checked. Prepare yourself for the following questions: - Does your child appear noticeably calm or aggressive to you? - Does it have friends? - Can it play and do handicrafts in a concentrated manner? - Does it understand role play? - Is it still wet or temporarily wet again? - Does it speak fluently and in complete sentences? - Can it get dressed and undressed on its own?
Association pour le promotion des soins de santé pédiatrique spécialisés
Bepanda Casmando,
Rue Printemps
Hotline - (+237) 670-292929

Opening Hours

Monday : 8am–6pm
Tuesday : 8am–6pm
Wednesday : 8am–6pm
Thursday : 8am–6pm
Friday : 10am–4pm

Check Schedule